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Faster, faster, faster — today’s construction environment is so fast-paced that it can be difficult to compete without the right contractor online takeoff software.

At Digital Canal, we know that you want to improve your internal processes, but you also want a relatively low-impact solution that does not sideline your technical team during implementation. Unlike other contractor online quoting programs, BidBuilder and Digital Takeoff have nearly flat learning curves.

Your team will be able to quickly adopt these software tools without the intrusive delays foisted on clients by most other developers. Instead of struggling to keep up, put your team ahead in the game with the help of Digital Canal’s online takeoff quoting software.



Eliminating the limiting factors with contractor online takeoff software

What is your rate-limiting step when it comes to project bidding and completion? Do you find that your internal processes are held back by your inability to quickly produce takeoffs or estimates in an ever-changing construction environment?

Instead of tolerating a slower pace, consider outfitting your estimating team with contractor online quoting programs from Digital Canal. Estimators will not have to substantially change the way they do their work, but they will realize significant benefits through increased efficiency.

When you want a low-impact contractor online takeoff software, it is time to connect with Digital Canal. We offer the solutions that you deserve without the extensive end-user training that often derails other tech solutions. In just two hours, your project team can be ready to return to their everyday jobs with the knowledge they need to use our BidBuilder and Digital Takeoff programs. We know you value speed in your document generation and training processes — and we deliver. Ready to learn more about your automated estimating options? Contact us now for a no-risk, no-obligation demonstration. We are ready to start making a difference at your company today.

For a FREE TRIAL click Here
To speak with someone in person call 1-800-449-5033